Manuel Perktold
Pillhof 17
IT-39057 Eppan
Tel.: +39 0471 962220
Legal representative: Manuel Perktold
Chamber of Commerce: Bozen
Chamber of Commerce registration number: BZ - 178534
Electronic invoice number: USAL8PV
VAT: IT02344420217
Responsible for content: Manuel Perktold
© OKiS media design - Appiano - Alto Adige -
© aries.creative sas of Anna Dallemulle & Co. - Lana - Alto Adige -
OKiS media design - Manuel Perktold, which commissioned the website, expressly declares that at the time the links were created, the linked pages contained no illegal content. OKiS media design - Manuel Perktold has no influence of any kind on the current and future form of the linked pages. OKiS media design - Manuel Perktold therefore expressly distances itself from all content changes made on these pages after the links were created.
OKiS media design - Manuel Perktold endeavours to observe valid copyright law in all publications. Despite this, should a copyright infringement occur, OKiS media design - Manuel Perktold shall remove the item in question from its publication after notification or identify it with the appropriate copyright.
This disclaimer is to be considered part of the Internet offer referred to on this page. Insofar as parts or inpidual formulations of this text are not, are no longer or are not completely in line with the current law, the content and validity of the remaining parts of the document shall remain unaffected.
OKiS media design
Mandatory information according to the EU-Regulation N. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council Platform for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (ODR) to the European Commission: